Our smart cups

We believe reTURNable must replace disposable
TURN’s philosophy is simple: If we make it easier and more rewarding for consumers to reTURN empty cups than to throw them away, disposable cups will soon become a thing of the past. Our system works for any company that sells beverages - from sports events and music festivals to airports and shopping centers. TURN smart cups are designed in line with the principle of circularity. This means they can be reused hundreds of times–literally–before they are recycled. We make our cups from high quality recycled materials and we fit them with smart technology to ensure consumers get rewarded for doing the sustainable thing.
Explore drinkware options

Aluminium Tumblers
Fitted with our patented digital tracking technology, tumblers fit perfectly with the other components of TURN’s circular system. Their shape makes them easily stackable in both transportation
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Reusable Cups
Fitted with our patented digital tracking technology, our reusable cups fit perfectly with the other components of TURN’s circular system. Their shape makes them easily stackable in both
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