Disposable Coffee Cups - Should we ban cups?


Compostable or Recyclable or Reusable - We have all be tricked by packaging experts.

A lot of kiwis drink their coffee in a compostable cup and think they are doing the right thing. We found out this month, that that was far from the truth. The eco, bio, compostable packaging companies had tricked us. 

So what is the alternative? 

Compostable Cups

Compostable Cups


If it gets thrown in a recycling or rubbish bin (how many compostable bins have you seen), it goes to landfill, it is now worse for the environment than a recyclable plastic cup.

Recyclable Cups

Compostable CupsIf it gets thrown in a recycling bin dirty (how many people wash their cup before disposing it) or if it goes rubbish bin, it goes to landfill, it is now worse for the environment than a unrecyclable plastic cup.

Reusable Cups

Compostable Cups

How many people remember to bring their reusable cup? How many people forget to wash their reusable cup? If you forget it, or if it is dirty, you will likely end up getting a compostable or disposable cup and adding to the problem. 

The Solution? 

There is a big opportunity. The opportunity is to design a reusable product that becomes part of the system. It becomes a forever cup. It has collection points, it has ease of use, it becomes part of everybody's habits, and it doesn't cost the consumer money, it doesn't trick the coffee companies into compostable, and it saves the world from disposable cups. 

Want to find out more? - email us at info@globelet.com

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